DigiCenter Oy
Hämeenkatu 129
05820 Hyvinkää
Tel. +358 (0)19 427 9000
Our e-invoicing addresses are:
Operaattori 003708599126 (OpenText)
Verkkolaskuosoite 003706858315
OVT-tunnus 003706858315
If you cannot send e-invoices, please send paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at:
DigiCenter Oy
PL 81535
01051 LASKUT
In order for the scanning service to allocate your invoice, this billing address must also be printed on the invoice itself, and not just on the envelope. No material other than invoices should be sent to this billing address, i.e. the postal address of information and marketing materials remains unchanged.
DigiCenter Oy e-mail scan address
Y-tunnus | 0685831-5